Welcome To The Golden Run Web Site —
Colorado’s Premier Multi-Generational Sustainable Community
April 2, 2000
Prepared for:
Town of Erie
645 Holbrook Street
P.O. Box 100
Erie, Colorado 80516
Table of Contents
I. Project Description 1
II. Municipal Services 1
III. Special Districts 2
IV. School District Impact 2
V. Exhibits 2
VI. A. Existing Conditions Map and Proposed Land Use Map
This "annexation impact report" has been prepared pursuant to Section 31-12-108.5 Colorado Revised Statutes, 1986 Repl. Vol. Contained in Appendix "A" is a map depicting the proposed annexation, the existing and proposed public services to the property and the existing and proposed land use for the property.
I. Project Description:
The property proposed for annexation consists of Golden Run and is the top half of Section 25, Township 1 North, Range 69 West, located between County Line Road on the east, North 119th Avenue on the West, Canyon Creek Development to the North, and the Young property and Boulder County Open Space to the south. The annexation is contiguous to the Town along 10,728 feet of its 16,100 total perimeter footage along the entire north, east and half of the southern boundary as shown on the attached annexation map. Through the series of annexations, it satisfies the 1/6 (17%) contiguity with the Town boundaries required by statute, with 67% contiguity.
The land proposed to be annexed is owned by Aaron Harber.
The parcel is one continuous parcel owned as the north half of Section 25. The marketability of the site is further enhanced by the easy access to I-25 and the North Denver area, including the new Denver International airport. The land is currently zoned as Agriculture in Boulder County. In conjunction with the proposed annexation, the zoning will change to "PD" use in conformance with the Town's Land Use Code. Adjacent land uses include Agriculture, Employment and Residential.
II. Municipal Services:
Municipal services for the Golden Run Annexation will be provided in the following manner:
Electricity Electric services are to be provided by the present supplier, (Public Service Company/United Power, Inc.), the electric franchisee for the Town of Erie.
Telephone U.S. West Communications and others.
Water The Town of Erie.
Sanitary Sewer The Town of Erie.
Fire The site is currently served by the Mountain View Fire Protection District.
Police The Town of Erie.
Street Maintenance Maintenance of roadways within the annexation will be provided by the Town after construction to Town specifications and acceptance by the Board of Trustees.
Financing the municipal services within the area to be annexed is addressed in an annexation agreement between the applicant and the Town of Erie. The annexation agreement is currently under negotiation at this time.
III. Special Districts:
The area to be annexed is included within the following special districts:
Boulder Valley School District RE-2.
Mountain View Fire Protection District
Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District
Urban Drainage and Flood
IV. School District Impact:
It is anticipated that the annexation will bring a benefit to the Boulder Valley School District RE-2 due to the increase in valuation, and will contribute 512 K-12 students to the school system.
V. Exhibits:
A. Existing Conditions Map and Proposed Land Use Map
Annexation Impact Report
© 2013 by Golden Run Estates, LLC. and Aaron Harber. All rights reserved. “Golden Run” is a proprietary tradename. This document and its contents may not be reproduced, copied, conveyed, or transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Golden Run. For such consent or for additional information, please contact Golden Run in care of Carl Oldham, General Manager, at Carl@GoldenRun.com. Thank you.