Assessment of Impact

The following items are assessed in this report regarding their impact on Town services, utility services, the environment and local economy:

Wastewater Requirements

The Town of Erie has required the extension of a sewer main along the eastern edge of the Right Move property. The capacity of this line, and further lines down the system, will need to be evaluated for adequate capacity, but at this time we believe that it may serve the entire Golden Run development.

As part of further planned development along the future Bonnell Avenue a 12-inch main will be required to be extended to County Line Road across from Golden Run's northeast corner. In order to tie in to this main and service the entire property, a maximum invert elevation of 5075 elevation above MSL will need to be maintained at County Line Road at the time of installation.

The following are estimated wastewater flows generated from Golden Run based on the Conceptual Plan.

Land Use Area Ave. Wastewater Flow Rate Average Daily Flow
Residential 125.7 ac 1230 g/ac/d 154,611 gpd
Commercial 43.8 2650 g/ac/d 116,070
Park (irrigated) 75 50 3,750
Total 274,431 gpd

Peaking Factor = 3.8/(ADF)0.17 = 3.8/(.250) 0.17 = 4.8

Generated Peak Flow = 4.8(274,431) = 1.3 mgd

Wastewater treatment will be provided by the Town of Erie. The Town is currently increasing it's allowable treatment capacity at the state level and will probably require further physical expansions due to the rapid growth currently taking place in the region.

Water - Projected Usage

No extension of Erie's present or planned system will need to take place to meet the needs of Golden Run. An existing 12" supply main is buried along County Line Road on the eastern property boundary. In addition, the Canyon Creek development to the north is planning to run its mains to be accessible to Golden Run.

The distribution system will be designed considering maximum daily demands plus fireflows or peak hour demands. The following are the anticipated demands based on the Conceptual Plan.

Land Use Area Ave. Water Flow Rate Average Daily Flow
Residential 125.7 ac 145 g/capita/d 1 136,699 gpd
Commercial 956,000 sf 0.15 g/sf/d 143,400
Park (irrigated) 75 3060 g/ac/d 229,500
Total 509,599 gpd
1 Assumes 2.5 unites per acre and 3 persons per household average.

Maximum Day 2.5(509,599) = 1.3 mgd (903 gpm)

Peak Hourly Flow 1.9(903) = 1,716 gpm

Maximum Fireflow 1,500 gpm

Max. Day + Fireflow 3,216 gpm

Water treatment will be provided by the Town of Erie. Golden Run intends to install a community-wide greywater reclamation and reuse system to be used for park irrigation. However, at this time the details and impact of this system are not known or assumed.

Natural Gas

Natural gas is located on both the west and east edges of the property and will be served by Public Service Company of Colorado.


Electric service is located on both the west and east edges of the property and will be served by Public Service Company of Colorado.


Telephone service is located on both the west and east edges of the property and will be served by USWest Communications.


Golden Run intends to utilize the current Town of Erie street section in most locations at this time. It does foresee, however, the use of different street sections in order to create a more pedestrian friendly development consistent with the type of development proposed. It intends to use street section that adhere to the Town of Erie's Comprehensive Plan goals.

Law Enforcement

Golden Run law enforcement will be provided by the Town of Erie. At this time, no special law enforcement needs for the development are anticipated.

Fire Protection

Golden Run has two primary entrance points. One is on County Line road and the other is on North 119th Street. Entrance, collector and local street sections shall meet required fire safety standards for access. Fire protection services will be provided by the Mountain View Fire Protection District.

Parks and Recreation

Golden Run will comply with all current Town park and recreation standards. At this time, Golden Run anticipates a minimum of approximately 43% of the site will be open space in one form or another. The Pond will be protected as a natural habitat connecting to open space to the south. Open space links are planned to provide ample connections to larger bodies of open space within and around the property. One of the strengths of Golden Run is its allotment of public and private open space, its proximity to the inhabitants of the development and larger community of Erie.

Off-street pedestrian trails will be provided to allow free and comfortable movement within the development. They will be designed to accommodate and encourage use for transportation to the commercial center and to surrounding facilities within and around the area, with an emphasis on Old Town Erie.

Environmental Considerations

The property currently consists of mostly farmland in the form of cornfields. The area around the pond and around the existing old farmhouse on the southwest corner of the property are the only areas resembling naturally vegetated areas. The pond site will be protected by a buffer zone that will be linked to the open space to the south. The pond will be maintained as a small drainage basin to keep water at seasonable levels for wildlife. Other than the pond area, there are no significant areas of natural habitat for animals such as small mammals, songbirds, raptors, deer, foxes, coyotes or eagles. In addition, no other habitat exists for endangered plant species such as the Ute Ladies'-Tresses Orchid, the Colorado Butterflyplant, or the Prebles Jumping Mouse outside the pond area.

Golden Run is planning to provide recycling facilities, community gardens, and clustered development to reduce impermeable surfaces thereby reducing storm-water flows. Alternative/green building materials will be used to reduce carbon emission both during construction and throughout the life of the buildings. Significant landscaping along roadways will be planted to reduce the heat island effect of paving and urbanization. On-site employment opportunities will reduce daily auto trips out of the area, thereby reducing regional air pollution.

Economic Development Potential

Please refer to the Marketing study for residential and commercial development phasing.

Development Staging

Please refer to the Marketing study for residential and commercial development phasing.

Natural/Man-Made Hazards

There is no indication of natural hazard areas on this property. According to the USGS undermining maps available at the Town planning department and NCWCD geotechnical studies, no undermining is present under Golden Run. However, at the time of development, geological borings and surveys will be performed to confirm this.


Impact Assessment